Computer Programmer A Jack of all Trade Poem
Are you a Master of All?
Forward: This is a poem to honor the computer programmer.
By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 30 Aug 2015
The Poem
Computer Programmer: You are always communicating with people of different works of life, understanding their jobs in order to serve them better, living with the communication issues that many people avoid. If socializing means contacting different people of different works of life, then that you do at work.
Computer Programmer: You must be employed. In the recession of the developed countries of the west, your job was not at stake. May be you are paid less, but you are still working. You are a necessity. You are important.
Software Engineer, university trained professional programmer: Mathematics is something that many people, even people of substance of any country, are afraid of. Like a good mother to a stubborn child, you tamed it. You have learned mathematics to the highest practical level, until what is left to study in that field is math for the sake of math, as the mathematicians themselves say. In the high school and university, you faced mathematics; you embraced it because you had no choice, and you overcame it; finally bringing it under control, as you would use it to program mathematical problems later in life.
Computer programmer, the serious one: You joined a profession were learning does not stop. Every year you have to learn something new as the changes come. Little did you appreciate as a student that, that is what awaits you. You have to learn as the changes come: changes in operating system, changes in the Internet, changes in database, changes in new language versions, changes in game programming, the need for higher resolution display and today, not just higher resolution but you have to start facing 3D programming. Tomorrow, robotics! As if relational database was not enough, you now have to face object database; you have to see it through, whether or not it ultimately replaces relational database. Are these changes a blessing or a curse? Do you like it? I like it: who does not want to be at the forefront of innovations. The clients embrace the innovations.
Computer Lecturer, software writer: You have a First Degree, then Masters, and may be Phd. It is often said that when you finished writing a book, based on current status, by the time it reaches the shelves, it is already outdated, because of new changes. And so today, you have the tendency to write for the Internet, so that by the time you finish writing, people will start reading. Now at the Internet, you face poor copyright management, and lower writing revenue. You have the responsibility to solve these problems. You also carry part of the blame: you and the hardware guys collaborate to come up with new things from time to time; you also took part in the invention of the Internet, giving room for spammers, scammers, and today, poor Internet copy right protection. The work of the police is to arrest copyright infringers. Your work is to prevent the possibility of Internet infringement, like the electronic engineers install alarms to protect a building or like builders build a solid fence and gate to keep thieves away, reducing the possibility of stealing. Prevention is better than cure.
Young computer programmer or computer student: have courage.
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