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Changing the Case of Characters in PHP Strings

PHP String with Security Considerations - Part 8

Foreword: In this part of the series I talk about Changing the Case of Characters in PHP Strings.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 29 Oct 2018


This is part 8 of my series, PHP String with Security Considerations. In this part of the series I talk about Changing the Case of Characters in PHP Strings. You should have read the previous parts of the series before coming here, as this is the continuation.

The lcfirst() Function
This function changes the first character of a string to lower case (if that character is alphabetic). So the code,


    $str = "This phone text msg is 2 tell yu that I will not do yr thing again.";
    $strl = lcfirst($str);
    echo $strl;


will output,

    “this phone text msg is 2 tell yu that I will not do yr thing again.”.

Note how the function has been used in the code: all the string is the argument to the function.

The ucfirst() Function
This function changes the first character of a string to uppercase (if that character is alphabetic). So the code,


    $str = ucfirst("this is a sentence.");
    echo $str;


will output,

    This is a sentence.

Note how the function has been used in the code: all the string is the argument to the function.

The strtolower() Function
This function changes all the alphabetic characters in a string to lowercase. The characters that were already in lowercase remain in lowercase. Try the following code:


    $str = strtolower('THIS is HER THING.');
    echo $str;


All the string is the argument to the function.

The output is:

    this is her thing.

The strtoupper() Function
This function changes all the alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase. The characters that were already in uppercase remain in uppercase. Try the following code:


    $str = strtoupper('usa, uno, unesco, ussr, uk.');
    echo $str;


The output is:


The ucwords() Function
This function uppercases the first character of each word in a string, that is alphabetic. Try the following code:


    $str = ucwords('fred and barney's lodge');
    echo $str;


The output is:

    Fred And Barney's Lodge

That is it for this part of the series. What has to be studied next are wordwrap, conversion of different types to string and string to numbers, PHP String Security Risks and Prevention - Explained.

Wordwrap deals with wrapping text to the next line below. In programming, a paragraph is one line of text. You will see details of this in the next part of the series.

Let us take a break here and continue in the next part.


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