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Operator Precedence in the C Computer Language

Part 27 of the Complete C Course

Foreword: Operator Precedence in the C Computer Language

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 22 Jun 2024


It is possible to have a statement or expression with many operators. Do not forget that '=' is an operator. The question is, which operator is executed first, in an expression? Some operators will always be executed before others. Another questions is: does a binary operator (operator with left and right operands) operate with the operand on the left first, or the operand on the right first? In fact there are different levels of this, and that is operator precedence.

Consider the following statement:

        int x = 2 + 8 % 5;

There are three operators here, which are =, + and %. Now = is of a very low precedence and it is executed last, in this statement. The question then is between + and %; which is executed first? If the modulus operator, % is executed first, the answer will be 5. If the Addition operator is executed first, the answer will be 0. Well, in C, % is of a higher precedence than +, so % is executed first and the answer will become 5. '+' can be forced to be executed first, by using brackets, as follows:

        int x = (2 + 8) % 5;

Whenever in doubts of which operator should be executed first, use brackets, to force an operator to be executed first. Brackets can be nested.

Precedence Order
The precedence order for operators are given below. The highest precedence is given first; that is followed by the second precedence, then the third, and so on, until the last. If a binary operator operates with the right operand first, then that is right associativity. If a binary operator operates with the left operand first, then that is left associativity.

Scope Resolution Operator
Associativity (direction of operation): Left-to-right

Postfix Operators
() [] . -> ++ --
Associativity: Left-to-right

Unary Prefix Operators
++ -- ~ ! sizeof new delete
Associativity: Right-to-left

Reference and Indirection Operators
& *
Associativity: Right-to-left

Unary Sign Operators
+ -
Associativity: Right-to-left

Type Casting Operators
Associativity: Right-to-left

Pointer-to-member Operators
.* ->*
Associativity: Left-to-right

Multiplicative Operators
% * /
Associativity: Left-to-right

Additive Operators
+ -
Associativity: Left-to-right

Bitwise Shift Operators
<< >>
Associativity: Left-to-right

Relational Operators
< > <= >=
Associativity: Left-to-right

Equality Operators
== !=
Associativity: Left-to-right

Bitwise AND Operator
Associativity: Left-to-right

Bitwise XOR Operator
Associativity: Left-to-right

Bitwise OR Operator
Associativity: Left-to-right

Logical AND Operator
Associativity: Left-to-right

Logical OR Operator
Associativity: Left-to-right

Conditional Operator
Associativity: Right-to-left

Assignment Operators
= *= /= %= += -= >>= <<= &= ^= !=
Associativity: Right-to-left

Comma Operator
Associativity: Left-to-right

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