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ECMAScript Template Literal

ECMAScript 6

Foreword: In this tutorial, I explain the meaning of template literal and its use.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 15 Jul 2016


In this tutorial, I explain the meaning of template literal and its use.

This series is part of the volume, ECMAScript Course. At the bottom of this page you will find links to the different series you should have read before coming here, to better understand this one.

Template Literal
A template literal is a string in back-ticks instead of double or single quotes.

An example of a template literal is,

    `I like what I am seeing`

It can be assigned to a variable (identifier). Try the following code:

        str = `I like what I am seeing.`;

Interpolation is when an expression within the back-ticks is replaced by its result and when an escaped sequence within the back-ticks has its effect.

Read and try the following code where two expressions are replaced by their results; the escaped sequence \n also has its effect:

        a = 5;
        b = 10;

        str = `Fifteen is ${a + b} and\nnot ${2 * a + b}.`;

The output is:

    Fifteen is 15 and
    not 20

Well, you do not type the expression within the back-ticks ordinarily. You have to place the expression within curly braces and precede that with $ (even if the expression is just a single variable).

The second line in the output means \n had its effect.

Escaped Sequences
Escaped Sequences or Escaped Characters are special characters. A character here actually consists of two characters with the first one being the backslash. Common escaped sequences and their meanings are:

Sequence     Code Unit Value     Unicode Character Name                Symbol
\b                0x0008                     BACKSPACE                               <BS>
\t                0x0009                     CHARACTER TABULATION     <HT>
\n                0x000A                    LINE FEED (LF)                          <LF>
\v                0x000B                    LINE TABULATION                     <VT>
\f                0x000C                    FORM FEED (FF)                          <FF>
\r                0x000D                    CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)           <CR>
\"                0x0022                 QUOTATION MARK                     "
\'                0x0027                     APOSTROPHE                               '
\\                0x005C                    REVERSE SOLIDUS                     \

Multi-Line String
Within back-ticks, any line developed without \n is maintained (spaces are also maintained). Read and try the following code:

      a = 5;
      b = 10;

      str = `Fifteen is ${a + b} and
not ${2 * a + b}.
     Just a third line`;


The output is:

    Fifteen is 15 and
    not 20
         Just a third line.

That is it for this tutorial.


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