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Free Pure ECMAScript MySQL API to Download

Pure ECMAScript MySQL Application Programming Interface for Node.js

Foreword: On this page you have the features of the API and code examples on how to use them; you also have the download hyperlink.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 28 Jul 2016

EMySQL API for all Operating Systems

EMySQL API stands for ECMAScript MySQL Application Programming Interface. This is the same as JavaScript MySQL Application Programming Interface (at server). An API is an application or library (module) that facilitates communication between two other applications. This one is free to download. On this page you have the features of the API and code examples on how to use them; you also have the download hyperlink. The library works in all operating systems.

Important politicians' email can be hacked; until you now have ransome-ware. So, you can no longer afford to take any risk. Block it!
You might have opened a social network page and saw information that was not meant for you. That is a big opening for hacking. The MySQL protocol does not provide any mechanism to prevent two or more people from sharing the same connection.
However, the free EMySQL API stops two or more people from sharing the same connection. Now, block the opening (insecurity) by downloading the free EMySQL API (below).

Using the API

    const mysql = require('./server/Mysql.js');

where Mysql.js is the main module file and it is in the directory, server.

    var con = new mysql.Connection("user", "secret", "localhost", 3306, function(err)
            if (err)

In the API, err is either false, a string or a single element array, whose element is a map with error data.

    var selStr = `SELECT * FROM pet WHERE species = 'snake' OR species = 'bird'`;
    con.query(selStr, function(err, result)
            if (err)
                 for (i=0; i<result.length; ++i)
                            tempStr = `${result[i].get('name')}, ${result[i].get('owner')}, ${result[i].get('species')}, ${result[i].get('sex')}, ${result[i].get('birth')}, ${result[i].get('death')}`

Note the use of backticks for query string.

Selecting a Database
    var db = "test";
    con.selectDB(db, function(err)
            if (err)

Statistics Report
    con.stats(function(err, result)
            if (err)

Ping, result)
            if (err)

Closing the Connection

You should close the connection.

Prepared Statements

Prepare and Execute
    var prepareStr = `INSERT INTO pet (name, owner, species, sex, birth, death) VALUES ('Nelly',?,?,'m','2009-03-30',NULL)`;
    con.prepare(prepareStr, function(err, feedback)
            if (err)
                console.log('Statement has been prepared');

    var executeStr = `'Marie','wild'`;
    con.execute(executeStr, function(err, feedback)
            if (err)
                console.log('Row has been inserted');


Long Cell Values
    var prepareStr = `INSERT INTO pet (name, owner, species, sex, birth, death) VALUES ('Piggy',?,?,'m','2009-03-30',NULL)`;
    con.prepare(prepareStr, function(err, feedback)
            if (err)
                console.log('Statement has been prepared');

    con.sendLongData('Likes Pig', 0);
    con.sendLongData('pig\'s long info', 1);

    con.execute(function(err, feedback)
            if (err)
                console.log('Row has been inserted');


Do not forget to close the prepared statements (construct) after use.

Example of a multi-statement code is:

    var selSt = `SELECT * FROM pet WHERE species = 'snake' OR species = 'bird'; SELECT * FROM pet WHERE death IS NOT NULL`;
    con.query(selSt, function(err, result, field)
            if (err)

There are two statements in the code. For the callback function (definition), if the first statement returns an error, then err will be set. Otherwise, result and field will each be a three dimensional structure. The outermost structure is an array. It either leads to a single element array of one map or an array of arrays. Each column index of the outermost structure leads to a result, from one of the multi-statements. If the result is OK, then you have an array of single cell array of one map (OK Map). If the result is an error, then you have an array of single cell array of one map, still (Error Map). If the result is a resultset (set of rows), then you have an array of array of maps, where each row is a map. You should try the above code, to appreciate this. The useful result of a stored procedure is similar in explanation.

For the field, each index of the outermost structure corresponds to an array of array. Each array of array gives the field properties of a resultset.

Stored Procedure
Example of a stored procedure code is:

    var proceduSt = `CREATE PROCEDURE sampleProc (OUT parA DATE)
                            SELECT birth
                            FROM pet
                            WHERE name = 'Nelly'
                            INTO parA;
    con.query(proceduSt, function(err, OK)
            if (err)

    var setStr = `SET @val = NULL`;
    con.query(setStr, function(err, OK)
            if (err)

    var proceduCall = `CALL sampleProc(@val)`;
    con.query(proceduCall, function(err, result)
            if (err)

    var selStr = `SELECT @val`;
    con.query(selStr, function(err, result)
            if (err)

The following is a transaction code:

    var transSt = `START TRANSACTION;
                 SELECT @species := species FROM pet WHERE owner='John';
                 UPDATE pet SET species=@species WHERE owner='Diane';
    con.query(transSt, function(err, OK)
            if (err)

Supported; see:
Compressed Data Values with EMySQL API
Compressed SQL Statements with EMySQL API

Supported; see:

Asynchronous Replication
Supported; see:
Asynchronous Replication with EMySQL

The file to download is a zipped directory. You download it and you unzip it. After unzipping, you will see the file, Mysql.js (plus maybe another file) and the directory, Mysql.

Installation is easy: copy the file, Mysql.js  (plus maybe another file) and the directory, Mysql, to the Node.js server directory in your computer (you should have installed node.js at this point). That is all! Begin to use the API (functions and variables) if you already know how to use it; if you do not already know how to use the API, then visit the site of the link, Using the EMySQL API, below; after which you start using the API. Your Node.js server directory can be: c:/server.

Click the following link to download the file, after reading the agreement:


Discussion Group
The link for discussion is:

Coding by Hand

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