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CSS3 Element Rounded Corners Simplified

CSS3 Basics - Part 16

Forward: In this part of the series we learn how to round the four corners of an html element (box).

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 23 Jul 2012


This is part 16 of my series, CSS3 Basics. In this part of the series we learn how to round the four corners of an html element (box). I assume you have read the previous parts of the series before reaching here, because this tutorial is a continuation. It is the four corners of the borders that are rounded (in this tutorial). So, in order to round the corners of an html element, the element should have a rectangular border, consisting of at least the border-width property and the border-style property. This tutorial gives you a simplified way of achieving rounded corners.

Note: If you cannot see any text or if you think anything is missing (missing code, missing image, broken link, etc.) just contact me at

The border-radius Property
In order to round the four corners of an element, you need what is called the border-radius property. It is a number in px or percentage. If it is percentage, then it is relative to the corresponding dimension of the border-box (see later). Your browser may not support the percentage unit. An example of the use of the border-radius property is:


The bigger the border radius value, the greater the rounding. Read and try the following code samples, noting the use of the border-radius property that affects the four corners:

<style type="text/css">

        <p>The first paragraph.<br>The first paragraph.<br>The first paragraph.<br>The first paragraph.</p>
        <p>The Second Paragraph.<br>The Second Paragraph.<br>The Second Paragraph.<br>The Second Paragraph.</p>
        <p>The third paragraph.<br>The third paragraph.<br>The third paragraph.<br>The third paragraph.</p>

In the above code the border-radius is 10px. In the following code, it is 15px.:

<style type="text/css">

        <p>The first paragraph.<br>The first paragraph.<br>The first paragraph.<br>The first paragraph.</p>
        <p>The Second Paragraph.<br>The Second Paragraph.<br>The Second Paragraph.<br>The Second Paragraph.</p>
        <p>The third paragraph.<br>The third paragraph.<br>The third paragraph.<br>The third paragraph.</p>

In the following code, the border-radius is 20px:

<style type="text/css">

        <p>The first paragraph.<br>The first paragraph.<br>The first paragraph.<br>The first paragraph.</p>
        <p>The Second Paragraph.<br>The Second Paragraph.<br>The Second Paragraph.<br>The Second Paragraph.</p>
        <p>The third paragraph.<br>The third paragraph.<br>The third paragraph.<br>The third paragraph.</p>

I have used three different values for the border-radii above: one in each of the sample code. So, by now, you should appreciate how much rounding a particular border-radius can give.

That is it for this part of the series. We stop here and continue in the next part.


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