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Throwing Several Operands with C++ Exceptions

Exception Handling in C++ - Part 2

Forward: In this part of the series we see how several exception operands can be thrown in C++.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 24 Aug 2012


This is part 2 of my series, Exception in C++. With C++ exceptions, what is thrown by the throw expression is called an operand. In this part of the series we see how several operands can be thrown in C++.

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Different Ways of throwing Several Operands
A try block can have several throw statements, and each statement throwing a particular (one) operand. A throw statement can also throw an array. We look at these two ways of throwing several operands.

Several throw Statements in a try-block
You can have several throw statements in a try block. What matters here is that the operand of each throw statement should be of a type different from the other throw statements. There should be the same number of corresponding catch blocks.

At this point I have to make some clarification between what we learned in the previous part of the series and what we are learning now. If in the try block, you have several throw statements of the same type, then you need one catch block for all those throws. In the catch block if-statements can be used to select the different operand values. What we are learning now is this: If in the try block, you have several throw statements each of a different type, then you need corresponding catch blocks for the different types. Each of these catch blocks would not need if-statements to select any operand value, because the criterion for a catch block to catch a throw is only that the parameter type of the catch block should be the same as the type of the thrown operand.

Here, the parameters of the catch blocks should be of different types, each corresponding to one of the throw statement in the try-block. Each catch block catches the throw whose operand is of the same type as its parameter. The following code illustrates this:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
                throw 5;  //an int

                throw 4.6;  //a double (for float)

                throw 'B';  //a char

                throw "some text";  //a string
        catch (int i)
                cout << "I caught an int." << "\n";
        catch (double d)
                cout << "I caught a double." << "\n";
        catch (char c)
                cout << "I caught a char." << "\n";
        catch (const char *str)
                cout << "I caught a string through a pointer to constant char." << "\n";
        return 0;

Now this is important: In a try block, no statement is executed before the end of the try block after a throw statement has been executed. So in the above code, only the first throw statement will be executed; it will be caught by the int catch block. If you want the double exception to take effect, you have to remove any throw statement above the double throw statement in the try block. If you want the char exception to take effect, you have to remove the throw statements above the char throw statement in the try block. If you want the pointer to char exception to take effect, you have to remove the throw statements above the pointer to char throw statement in the try block.

There are other things to note: If you want a float type, use the double type in the throw and catch constructs. If you want to throw a string, use a pointer to a constant char (const char *) for the parameter of the catch.

Each of the throw statements in the try block above can be in an if-block; but remember, after a throw execution, the statements below the throw until the end of the try block are not executed.

Note: If an exception (thrown operand) is not caught, (maybe because there is no appropriate catch block), your complete C++ program may terminate (stop functioning).

Note: Another name for the catch block is the handler. Also note that an exception is considered caught (from a throw) when any catch block receives it. It does not matter what the catch block does with the thrown operand. Under that condition your program is safe from terminating, unless your catch block has wrong coding.

What a catch block uses to catch an exception is the type of the operand that is thrown (and not even the value of the operand). If you want to consider the value of the operand, then you have to use an if-statement in the corresponding type catch block.

Throwing an Array
Consider the following code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
        int arrInt[] = {25, 20, 256};

                throw arrInt;
        catch (int *const ePtr)
                cout << ePtr[0] << "\n";
                cout << ePtr[1] << "\n";
                cout << ePtr[2] << "\n";
        return 0;

In the main function an array is initialized. You then have a try and a catch block. In the try block, the array is thrown. The parameter of the catch block is a constant pointer (where the pointer-address and not the pointed value is constant). In the catch block, the pointer is used as an array; the pointer is pointing to the array thrown, not a new array. You have one try block and one catch block. The try block has one throw statement. The statement throws an array, which may have several elements. These elements (operands) are of the same type; so you need one catch block for them.

We have seen two ways of throwing several operands. In the first way, only one throw statement is executed. If the throw statements are in if statements, then the one whose if-condition is satisfied is the one that is thrown. If the throw statements are not in if-statements, as in the sample above, hardly would you have that, then the first one is thrown. The second way is to throw an array. When an array is thrown, the operand of the throw statement is the array name without the [] brackets. The parameter of the catch block is a constant pointer. You use the pointer identifier with the [] brackets like an array in the catch block. This pointer is pointing to the array thrown, not a new object (array). In both ways, there is only one try block.

Let us end here for this part of the series. We continue in the next part.


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