Broad Network

Frequently Asked Questions at Broad Network

Frequently Asked Questions

Foreword: You must login before your reading will be counted. The articles and discussions can be viewed with good iPads (smartphones) and any desktop computer.


FAQ means Frequently Asked Questions. Here you have questions that are frequently asked, and you do not need to contact the company for the answers. If you contact the company for any of these questions, you may not get a reply.

Questions and Answers

I do not know what questions to ask in the discussion section of my category?
If this is true, then you are a perfect person. It means you have understood all what you have read in the reading section; that cannot be true. So go ahead and ask what (quesions) you did not understand, and also ask what to read next.
I read more articles than the moderator who read less but commented more.
To be in the first (moderator), second and third positions, you must make comments in your discussion section. It means you made no comment in your discussion section. You might have made comments on articles, which is good, but does not count in this case. You should have the fourth price if you are the only one who did not comment in the discuusion section.
Can I repeat a question in my discussion group (category)?
This is an active social network. It is not like other social networks where, after one year, all possible questions have been asked and answered. Here, after 3 months (a quarter) all the previous discussion threads are deleted (records are saved). This gives somebody who could not ask the question in the previous 3 months (quarter) to ask the question the way he/she wishes. This also gives the opportunity to a writer who could not answer a similar question in the previous quarter (3 months), to answer it now. Yes, you can repeat a question, but in your own words and after a quarter. If you repeat a question within a quarter, you will be sanctioned. This restriction also applies to starting a discussion topic.
When is my average durations, for reading, determined?
At the end of every week.
When is the average number of clicks by the moderator, reviewed?
At the end of every week.
What particular sanction goes with what offense?
Sanction is determined at the time of the crime. A member can be sanctioned by preventing him/her from participating for some time, or by reducing the person's payment, or dismissal without payment, depending on the seriousness of the offense.
Some or all of my readings were not recorded.
The device (ipad or smartphone) you used, does not support JavaScript (ECMAScript). You probably were not seeing the ads, which pays the company before the company can pay you. Use a device that supports JavaScript (ECMAScript).
I am a writer; Can I write in a different category?
Yes, but you have a main category, the one of which you registered. You will be paid for readings in other categories as well.
I am a moderator, but very new in the category, will I make money?
Your chances of making money is higher than that of someone experienced in the category. This is because you have more to learn and so more questions to ask. Writers are eager to answer. There are many dedicated readers whoe are eager to throw in more light. The more (useful) threads you create, the more money you make. The longer your discussion thread, the more money you make.
I am a moderator, how do I make money by inviting writers and readers?
When you invite a writer or reader, he/she looks at the agreement and related pages, here in the site. These pages have advertisements. Advertisers pay for click (some pay for views) - so you and and company make money.
As a moderator, how do I earn money by enforcing disciline and sending caution and warning messages to readers and writers?
There is no responsible, respectable forum or association without regulations and discipline. As you maintain discipline, the number of readers and writers can only increase; more income for you and the company! Three months is a long time to see changes, here.
What are the payment methods?
Bank Transfer, Paypal, Western Union, MoneyGram. At the moment only Western Union and bank transfer are supported. Paypal will be supported soon.
What is the minimum payment?
At the moment, $10 USD. Work hard and make far more than that.
How is the moderator, second, third and fourth readers chosen?
The person with the highest article readings is looked for. The person with the highest comments in the discussion section is looked for. If these are the same people, then that is the moderator. Otherwise, the person with the second highest reading is looked for. The person with the highest, then second highest comments is looked for. If there is coincidence in person, then that is the moderator. Otherwise, the person with the third highest reading is looked for. The person with the highest, then second, then third highest comments is looked for. If there is coincidence in person, then that is the moderator. This continuous downward until the moderator is got.
The readers for the second and third prices are got in the same way but looking downward in the reading and comments records.
I made no comment but I read more articles than the moderator?
The person who reads highest (even above the moderator) but with no or least comments, takes the fourth position (in protocol), with price higher than that of the second and third people. You earn this money on/or before the 5th of the new quarter.
What about me who read widest?
The person who reads widest also has a price, but higher than that of the fourth person. You earn this money on/or before the 5th of the new quarter.
I am a moderator; what is the estimate of my earnings?
It is minimum of about $1.5 US for 1000 page views of the discussion threads in your category. You can do this; you can do at least 1,000,000 page views a month, working 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, giving $1500. Others have done that. Page views from agreements and related pages by potential writers and readers also add, the amount of which is determined by the company (possibly half the corresponding income). Good luck!

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